My Story
I grew up in Shrewsbury, Shropshire (the home of Charles Darwin) with my family and now live here with my husband. I enjoy cooking, baking, swimming, and travelling and I also really enjoy learning; even if it is through a TV show a magazine/book or a short course; learning something new is always exciting and makes me feel good. I also enjoy being with my own thoughts, taking quiet time out to process and reflect on life.
Professional Career
Having not achieved the best grades in school, I left at 16 and worked in retail for the next 5 years. With lots of customer service experience, I really wanted to learn a skill and do something that did not require me to work every weekend! I knew I enjoyed working with people and once I had made the decision to find something else, I found a trainee dental nurse advert in a local paper, went for it, got it and the rest is history. I’ve now been dental nursing for 15 years! I could have joined a year earlier than I did, however I was scared to make the jump! A year on (in June 2017) I contacted Cavity and took the plunge, and I can honestly say it is the best decision I ever made, and I just wish I had done it much sooner.
A day on the life
I always start the day with a cup of plain hot water.
I will be ready to take calls from around 6.45am; my day can be varied depending on what support is required that day and who contacts me. Keeping in touch and connected with staff is such an important part of my role. Forming Wellness Action Plans for staff who may be needing some additional support within the workplace, staying current and up to date with signposting platforms which can offer additional support to staff.
Connection is a really big part of my day and really the heart of my role; keeping in touch and connected with staff and delivering the message that nobody has to be alone or struggle alone – Someone is always there to offer support.
One of the things I enjoy most about working for Cavity is Knowing the Heart behind it. As a Dental Nurse it was the best 2 years of dental nursing out of a 15-year dental nursing career. I had a fantastic Area Manager which gave me confidence to be always open and honest and I just loved the freedom and variety of travelling around and meeting new people each day. My role within Cavity has now changed and I now work with the management team and staff to ensure Health & Wellbeing is always being considered and managed. Support within the workplace is so important and to play a pivotal role in making sure this happens within the Dental Sector is a dream come true.