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Cavity Dental Staff Blog

Navigate the Cavity Fit Test website

28th Sep 2022
Fit Testing

Cavity Fit Testing now has its own dedicated website where you will find all the information you need to know about fit testing and fit test training.

We’ve put together a handy guide to help you navigate through it.

First things first, head to www.cavity-fit-test.co.uk.

You can use these categories to direct you through the different pages.

On our home page, you will be informed about Qualitative and Quantitative Fit Testing.                                                                           

On this page you can watch our video where some members of our fit testing team discuss both types of fit testing and why it is so important having a mask that fits you properly. At the bottom of the page, you will find some FAQ that hopefully will answer some of your questions. If you have any questions of your own, scroll to the bottom of the page and you can ask away! Just fill in the form and someone will get back to you.


Moving onto Fit Testing Products, you will be able to hire or purchase our fit test kits, masks, and accessories on this page. This will show you what masks we have and our prices.

On our Fit Testing Training page, you will find all the details of both courses we offer, including the different prices. The Train the Tester course provides you with knowledge, skills and confidence or the Train the Tester RPE Refresher course, is hands on and practical. You will also find the available dates for the courses.

If you then move along to Fit Test Team, you will be able to scroll through and get to know our team and what their roles are. You will also be able to click on the ‘Get in Touch’ button. This will lead you to the Contact Us page. Get in touch by filling in the required information and we’ll get back to you.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please get in touch with Andy at andy@cavity-fit-test.co.uk or call 0118 214 6192.