Certified Cavity Quality Mark
Cavity Dental Staff Blog

Help Fund The Fight – Charity Event

6th Feb 2018

Here we are at the start of 2018 and we have decided to raise money and awareness for Brain Tumour Research. This is a charity that is very close to one of our long-standing team members, Janine. Sadly, Janine’s uncle was diagnosed with a brain tumour and after a short battle, lost her uncle to this cancer. As a family they are trying to reach a target of £5000 to donate to this great cause. Janine’s sister has started training and is going to run the London marathon in April! That's right, she is going to run! I don’t think I would be able to run 1 mile, let alone 26! Good on you!  To make a donation to this cause you can do so by clicking DONATE NOW or keep an eye out in Head Office where you will be able to buy badges and play games. And do keep an eye out for our 'Wear A Hat Day' in March.

Here at Cavity we like to participate in charitable events as a team and as individuals; here are some of the events we have participated in recently:

  • Breast Cancer Care - A few of our own team members were diagnosed last year, and we helped to raise over £300 for the cause.
  • Mouth Cancer Awareness - We participate in this charity annually as it is at the heart of what we do every day.  
  • Save The Children - We raised a huge £539 in December for this great cause
  • Health Point Foundation - One of our Dental Nurses flew out to Greece to provide dental care to refugees and helped to raise money for equipment and materials early last year.
  • Race for Life - Several members of the office participate in the ‘Race For Life’ each year to help raise money for Cancer. 
  • Crisis at Christmas - Tracy our Senior Tutor volunteers her time the week before Christmas on the reception desk at Crisis.
  • Walk for Dementia - Claire in the accounts department walked 7KM to raise money and awareness for dementia.
  • Help for Heroes - Lucy in our accounts team has taken part in charity hockey matches to raise money for this great cause. James also in Accounts partook in a ‘Tough Mudder’ and also played in a Charity football match for this cause.
  • National Literacy Trust - Janet also in our accounts department has participated in reading to disadvantaged children to help them gain essential literacy skills.

 A very big well done to our accounts team who spend a lot of their own time raising and donating to such good causes.