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Cavity Dental Staff Blog

How to Advertise a Job

19th Jan 2023
advertise a job


Advertise a job: The law, what to include and how to advertise

How to Advertise a Job According to the Law

When you advertise a job, consider what to include in the job advert, and the discrimination law.

  • Do not refer to a person's race or sex
  • Do not discriminate against age by using terms like "recent graduate" or "highly experienced"- unless you have reasonable cause for your requirements.
  • Other areas to consider include; disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, religion or belief and sexual orientation.


Advertise a job: What to include

  • The job description- show a clear understanding of the role
  • Duties and responsibilities- list these clearly
  • Requirements- be that qualifications, right to work, references
  • Include the salary- be transparent about the pay scale
  • Include benefits
  • Include working hours
  • Information about your business- Who you are, what you do
  • Company culture- Share why your company is a great place to work
  • Intend to make a great impression!

Protect the applicants personal information

Learn more about the data protection act and GDPR by taking this FREE CPD course!

Advertise a job: Social media

Did you know, that when you advertise on social media and target just one demographic, for example, age- you are breaking the discrimination law?

Advertise a job: Cavity Jobs Board

Online job advertising is a great way to find the right candidate for your vacancy. Cavity's online job advertising page boasts high volumes of daily traffic from dental professionals across the country. Advertising with Cavity also gives you the opportunity to use our experienced, compliant locum staff while you wait for your vacancy to be filled. To book staff fill in a simple form on our website or contact as at 0118 966 8291.

Our online jobs board allows you to add, submit and pay for your advert all through our website.

Candidates will contact you directly cutting out the middle man and those expensive agency fees!

online job advertising