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Health & Wellbeing Resources

Support At Christmas

20th Nov 2023
2 people sat in front of a christmas tree

For many, Christmas can be a difficult time, and this can be for various reasons. Support for some can be a crucial at this time of year. Those with Social Anxiety can find this time of year, extremely difficult. Having to navigate Christmas Party invitations and gatherings, which can usually be avoided can feel more difficult to escape at this time of year. Those who are dealing with Grief and the Loss of something or someone close to them, can just sometimes be felt harder at Christmas time. Financial worries, buying the right food and gifts even if that perhaps means going into Debt.

There is a reason Mental Health issues increase over the Christmas period; it is because this time of year can create increased stress levels knowing where to turn to for guidance, support and coping strategies can just perhaps help this period to be a little easier to navigate and no that you are not alone.

When resources such as the ones we are providing here are created and put in place, that is because there is a recognised need for them. Many people as mentioned struggle more at this time of year, but support is there and you are not alone:

Wellbeing Support At Christmas:

Christmas coping tips - Mind

Why Christmas is hard - Mind

Christmas and your mental health - Mental Health UK (mentalhealth-uk.org)

How to look after your mental health at Christmas | Mental Health Foundation

You and your mental health still matter this Christmas | Mental Health Foundation

How to manage your mental health over Christmas (rethink.org)

Support for Children and Young Adults

Looking After Your Mental Health at Christmas | Blog | YoungMinds

Place2Be and Shout provide crisis support for Christmas

Supporting Others

Supporting others at Christmas - Mind

Bereavement Support

Christmas - Cruse Bereavement Support