Certified Cavity Quality Mark
Cavity Dental Staff Blog

Happy Valentine’s Day

7th Feb 2018

Whether you love or hate it, celebrate or avoid it, whenever February comes around there is one thing that we all think of… Valentine’s Day! It’s that time of year again and to make it more interesting and spread the love amongst our dedicated locums and clients we have launched a competition for our lovely nurses!

Cupids arrow might just be coming your way.

We have 14 bouquets of flowers all to be delivered on February 14th.

All you need to do is:

Name your Valentine - is there a Dentist who's always delightful to work with? A Practice Manager who always looks after you? Or that Senior Nurse who helps with the decon when you are running late? Send us an email with their name and practice details and tell us why they are your Valentine. Simple!

We will choose 7 winners who will all win a bouquet of flowers for themselves and a bouquet for their favourite client!

All entries need to be in by Monday 12th February.

And not only that, we have some extra surprise treats coming out in the post too! We have already received loads of lovely comments about our clients in the first day alone! What will the next 5 days bring?!

Clients, keep being your lovely selves and remember to keep an eye out for your postman ;)

Let's spread the love far and wide this February!
